Sites and Services Stakhaddk in satellite stroll away from Earth

Sites and Services Stakhaddk in satellite stroll away from Earth

Thanks to our obsession with space exploration, and organizations such as NASA and the latest web technologies, space exploration is now more possibility given to a few years ago. Now, in light of the great technological advances explore the space worlds has become something very simple all you need to sit in front of a computer connected to the Internet and enter some sites or interested in space science, which provide you with the latest picked up telescopes and other applications in the form of a structured facility information will make it easier for anyone on the planet fight trip filled with riddles and satellite information.

In this post we will look to the most important free and simple tools from which you can explore space through your browser.

Google Sky
Google Sky (can find it with Google Earth is also a program) is the best way to look at the night sky and surf as if the stars have a telescope but without clouds and other problems that prevent a clear vision. Just type planet or orb that you want to name in the search box, Google Sky will be covered Bokhzk to its location and give you information about it. There are plenty of other features leave you to discover them.

100,000 Stars
The application by Google, Inc., provides you with three-dimensional sophisticated control properties, from which you can explore all known stars as well as the locations and forms, and you will feel goose bumps when you see the greatness of the Creator in the fact, you may already touched him last year for more information "Take you walk in universe with Google stars application "

Is a scientific and economic database of more than 600,000 asteroid has been collected, calculated, and to important data such as the mass of the asteroid and configuration of multiple scientific sources is based. With this information, the site can estimate the costs and benefits of mining operations (astrology) in these asteroids. Something strange!

Is a way to browse and explore the sky in simple terms is based on a simple simulation to explore the stars. A valuable educational tool is quite popular. You can see the sky from any point in the world and learn about the stars that can be seen from that region.

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