The discovery of sophisticated spy program Regin source

The discovery of sophisticated spy program Regin source

Over the past few days, the company "Symantec" for information security revealed the discovery of a new malicious program called "Regin" and is a program that was not known in the past and is characterized by its ability to stealthy and targeted to a number of countries, but today it seems that we are facing new information about the real source .

Symantec Corporation for information security and well-known Bamadadatha antiviral announced the discovery of a malicious program
called "Regin" and considered this malignant very sophisticated among spyware discovered to date the program, where the main mission is to spy, but also features a large capacity to disguise as the structure is very complex and is something that is rare presence, which is likely the fact that Regin follower of one of the international security forces, was the main objective of the expert knowledge of the party responsible for this malicious program.

According to site "The Intercept" the spy program Regin is really developing the intelligence services in both America and Britain, and we are talking here about the US National Security Agency infamous "NSA" and has been implicated in a lot of electronic eavesdropping operations and has been debunked by the former client "Edward Snowden" In addition to the British agency "GCHQ".

Regin superior development program allowed the two of spying on the vital interests of the countries of the European Union through "Belgacom" Belgian telecommunications company in addition to a number of vital interests in a number of other countries such as Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, India, and others.

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