Reports: North Korea behind piracy Sony

Reports: North Korea behind piracy Sony

Over the past week had been Sony's Japanese branch and particularly artistic production "Sony Pictures" to the process of piracy is unprecedented and unknown motives, especially that hackers did not explain their demands through this process, but it seems that some of the details began to become clearer.

And the Sony branch "Sony Pictures" may have been compromised after a computer staff in the company of piracy by a group of hackers, which says it captured the serious information and
secrets of the company, and has threatened to hackers group to disclose this information in case the company did not achieve its demands, and may surprise the staff when they found their own computers infiltrated and the message by hackers is a letter addressed to the company refers to penetrate and the threat of hackers to carry out the deployment of the secrets of the company is a picture of a skeleton and do, as they were unable to work on their computers hacked because it was closed by the hackers who belong to a group (Gardian of Peace), known as "GOP".

Site "The Verge" specialist pointed out that he had a dialogue with a hackers belonging to Team GOP who carried out the process of piracy, and pointed out that the hackers want equality, but the company refuses to do so without having to give any further, while the hacker confirmed that this process were not to be of without complicity from within the company where he pointed out that there are employees in Sony who share the same ideas on this subject.

On the other hand, new data about the involvement of the State of North Korea in the process of piracy have emerged as indicated from various sources, including specialist "Re / code" site where the site that Sony began to follow the thread link between the team and the state GOP hackers North Korea in addition to that piracy has process of China.

It seems that the reason behind this attack if it is proved that the Asian country is involved in due to the film "The Interview" produced by Sony and the company will be displayed through the end of this month and is a comedy film tells the story of an American journalist gets a chance to do an exclusive dialogue with the leader of Korea but the North and the US Central Intelligence Agency CIA asking him to assassinate him, and it seems that the screenplay is what angered Korean officials.

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