
A list of the most prominent projects in which the failed Google!

Google knew quickly among the technicians and the general public Vavkarha creative Abdatha in various fields not only this giant company since its appearance Bmfjatna, and do you know some of these creative projects in the previous topic. But does Google always succeed in their projects?
In this article, gentlemen, we will know that success is built on the Rescue of failure.
A list of the most prominent projects in which the failed Google!

Many of Google's projects have failed in the first of its months, let us know on the most important Google failed projects.

Google Lively

He was one of Google's social networking projects in 2008, which lasted for six months Ead.levla is based on Google Web of virtual environment. Almtstkhaddmin can be characters and virtual rooms for them and interact with others. Although the innovative concept at the time, but he failed to live up to his expectations.

Google Video

Google Video is a platform to share video clips, as well as search for video from Google Done engine launch this service in the January 25, 2005. On October 9, 2006 Google has bought the former rival YouTube announced the arrest of this service.

Is a search engine, is able to rearrange your search results a beautiful way, but this engine did not meet my little success!

Google Wave

  Was touted as the next mega project in social networks or e-mail the next, it is a service that allows you to add images and videos and audios Maps inside the message immediately!

Google Answers

The service is the possibility of asking users questions in various fields and to allow other users to answer them. Unlike Google answers provided by Google in the Arab world is free, Google Ansrz answers were accepted by the liquid cost of $ 2 to $ 200,, but with the applicable fees, the service failed.

Google Buzz

  Booz Google allows users to write Gmail participation electronic links, messages, images and files with their friends with the possibility of linking the service with their accounts in social networks like Twitter.

Google Print Ads & Google Radio Ads

Google on advertising revenue depends very heavily, so I decided to break into the Google Print, and audio media field, but unfortunately Google did not succeed and failed to do so miserably!

Google Nexus Q

Is a device released by Google to compete with Apple TV will broadcast multimedia directly to Nexus devices running Android and can connect to Google Play. It can be connected to your TV or high-quality loudspeakers to view videos and audio files directly from Google Play and Youtube and can be controlled using any smartphone or Tablet. The price was $ 299!
But following the new technology will know that Google has launched a new device under chromecast name. Will replace Google Nexus Q.

Google TV

Is a joint venture between Google and Sony aims to transfer the Internet experience to the TV with a new many advantages. But this project was doomed to failure, especially after the major TV companies such as the refusal to Hulu, CBS, Fox, ABC, NBC and many other channels to Google legitimate access to content.

This was the most prominent projects that failed in Google, and I think that the social network Google + may be added to this list in the future! Who knows. But with all this giant Google of the giants of the Internet remains.

How to protect your browser google chrome by password

How to protect your browser google chrome by password
Google Chrome browser is the most widely used and popular for the rest of the other browsers, so it's important that you use and your presence here is proof of that.
Vogbanna saves the data for passwords and profiles, many of the sites cookies, and the sites that we visited .... etc,
And many of us may face while his absence is that a malicious user to work on the computer
(for example, your little brother), which means access to your accounts recorded automatically in the browser (eg Facebook) and passwords recorded, and the sites that I have visited, which could put you in an embarrassing position too.
To avoid tampering browser and make it your own by yourself, away from the prying hands, continued with me the following method:
First, install the Addition: Simple Password Startup
When the installation is finished then keeps track of the following path:
Tools -> Extension -> Simple Password Startup -> Option
And then type a private browser secret word and then press Save
After that you will see it enforceable success geode password, click OK Ok
Finally, restart your browser, to show you the result as in the picture

And congratulations on your hands protected from spambots browser (brothers hah).
That's all in the subject I wish to obtain Admire, do not forget to post the issue with the faces of such problems.

Four useful services from Google, you must experience

Peace and mercy of God be upon you.

We all recognize Google Inc. and its services distinct useful it is us who have not benefited from services such as translation and well-known search engine in the famous so we will look at four tools from Google, you should take advantage of them are very helpful and you need to experiment and to you these tools tools:

Google fonts-1:

Is a very useful tool for designers as give you more than 500 professional line and needs to be a private experience fan design.

Google sky-2:

Is a very useful tool with which it can detect the galaxy and can also identify the planets, this tool is with the help of NASA.

Google trends-3

Is a tool you really need to experience and its mission is to give you the statistics on the words that are looking for in the Google search engine and can see the words that are looking for at this time or any time, and also learn the word how many times that has been searched for and give you topics most interested.

Google ngram-4:

Is a tool that can be utilized by searching for words in the books. If you want to know how many times a particular word mentioned in the books, you not only access to this service where km gives you passed the word mentioned in the books and also gives statistics on the floor.

And to finish our topic here. And I hope that you benefit from the experience of services.

Did you know that Google recorded all the sites that I have visited and the research that you've made in your Djimaal? Was quick to learn how to prevent this from happening in your account

When Astkhaddmak search engine Google and your backhaul open mile, the latter is the registration of all the research that I have made in the search engine and even sites that I have visited, and in the case if the intruder spying on Email can retrieve all the sites that search for and I visited for years! For it in this post I will explain to you how to prevent this to happen in your account on Google
The first thing you log in via email, which was used by the then Login at this link: google history

Now try to enter the recent activity you'll find he shows many of the research sites you have visited through your search for in the search engine Google

In order to remove it from your account before you disable recording of research carried out from your account once again enter the link google history property was then click on the delete all was again click on the turn off for the disabled and protect your property!
So I ended up and be able to prevent your Djimaal of recording all the research you've made Famahrk Google search, but also the sites that I visited during browsing

Google unveils smart electronic spoon!

Google is not only a world of digital giants and competent company in the search engines, and it also is a leading company in the research and development of solutions in all areas of the community, and what is referred to more than once executive director and one of the founders of Google "Larry Page" and is also highlighted what Google's involvement in the development of devices in the field of health.

Google finally announced the smart electronic
spoon and anti-jerk is voluntary and Parkinson's disease, which is caused by, and is the thing that will reduce the problems with regard to eating, note that the disease makes a person is unable to control his movements.

Although the new electronic spoon does not provide a panacea for patients with Parkinson's but at least it will help them to eat their food without dropping because of the intensity of tremors, and this device works is simple principle is to monitor the level of vibrations of the hand by a sensor built and is what will give the spoon possibility Coyote is adjusted to keep the food in the spoon without falling to the ground.

The new technology developed by Google after its acquisition earlier in the laboratory "Lift Lab" and will be available on the market for $ 295.

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