
Sites and Services Stakhaddk in satellite stroll away from Earth

Thanks to our obsession with space exploration, and organizations such as NASA and the latest web technologies, space exploration is now more possibility given to a few years ago. Now, in light of the great technological advances explore the space worlds has become something very simple all you need to sit in front of a computer connected to the Internet and enter some sites or interested in space science, which provide you with the latest picked up telescopes and other applications in the form of a structured facility information will make it easier for anyone on the planet fight trip filled with riddles and satellite information.

In this post we will look to the most important free and simple tools from which you can explore space through your browser.

Google Sky
Google Sky (can find it with Google Earth is also a program) is the best way to look at the night sky and surf as if the stars have a telescope but without clouds and other problems that prevent a clear vision. Just type planet or orb that you want to name in the search box, Google Sky will be covered Bokhzk to its location and give you information about it. There are plenty of other features leave you to discover them.

100,000 Stars
The application by Google, Inc., provides you with three-dimensional sophisticated control properties, from which you can explore all known stars as well as the locations and forms, and you will feel goose bumps when you see the greatness of the Creator in the fact, you may already touched him last year for more information "Take you walk in universe with Google stars application "

Is a scientific and economic database of more than 600,000 asteroid has been collected, calculated, and to important data such as the mass of the asteroid and configuration of multiple scientific sources is based. With this information, the site can estimate the costs and benefits of mining operations (astrology) in these asteroids. Something strange!

Is a way to browse and explore the sky in simple terms is based on a simple simulation to explore the stars. A valuable educational tool is quite popular. You can see the sky from any point in the world and learn about the stars that can be seen from that region.

 exotic locations to fight boredom online

Palmml feeling of psychological conditions are confused all of us from time to time, and each has a way of dealing with this mood, but most morbid world of the Internet and computers as well as their own rituals and ways to overcome boredom to relax and not think of anything. For these purposes, perhaps, you'll find some sites that you may look at first glance as a useless without Many.lkn Believe me, some of them may keep it in your favorite.
5 exotic locations to fight boredom online

Game 2048

I start with you this very nice site, which personally I use from time to time, the site is a game in 2048, one of the games that have achieved wow in Google Play, which is Italian for developers at the age of 19 only. The game sports a catalyst for the mind, and very easy to integrate all the boxes that contain the same number to be up to the total in 2048. Of course to reach this level must be intelligent and know very well your steps.

Virtual Piano

Of distinct sites as well as to combat boredom is the Virtual Piano Piano, which allows you to experiment on your computer and on the Internet! Very nice site empowers you innovation and entertainment for yourself music composer that are waiting for Ha.mama Amtana some of your tunes :)

Listen to the sound of rain

This site is dedicated to those who understood well the charm and beauty of living in a small cozy cafe near the window, sipping coffee and croissants warm while you see drops of rain falling from the sky, and you hear the sound of thunder in the flashlight around. Beautiful moment is not it? Fortunately you can simulate the sound of rain and thunder in your computer :)

Fight boredom and feel like you're a hacker or programmer supernatural

Sure, all of us we saw that the hacker in a Hollywood movie, who writes quickly intriguing when a breach of one of the sites or servers, of course, all of this nonsense, but what if you want to feel that same feeling and become such a hacker or programmed even for a moment? Yes, this is possible only have been created this site for you.

Sand painting

Last strange site you can sand painting. Just simply the simple click of a mouse to hurt a little bit of sand or click twice to get an endless stream of sand. Only some of the practice can be configured paintings "expressive" through this site.

Contact companies are afraid of what online application neutral law

What might the Ayalmh a lot of the pioneers of online companies that provide us with the Internet can be controlled in any information we receive or look out for on the Internet, they are able to make you find specific information only on the Internet without the other, to make as well as your contact some online sites slow without other sites ... for example, if company Contact site offers a service or to what otherwise might make access to him very quickly while they are making. We can connect to the company compete with other communication slow! Or could prevent you from access to certain services. Moreover, these companies have focused throughput Internet on a large proportion of their services in order to operate without problems such as communication via IP VOIP ... but more than that it is working to make the site more quickly from
another site, and here we are talking about, for example, the famous sites such as YouTube or Facebook. .. they may prefer to have a quick YouTube site browsing and watching Alڤadyohat while the site Dailymotion or macafee very slow! ...
Contact companies are afraid of what the Internet neutral application

And what should be that the user knows that as well as communications companies may be complicit with some of the big companies in order to provide them with improved browsing the site without its competitor, for example, can Ttoati company video- Stremeng progress with communication for the company to make browsing faster than its rival site ... and users of course they think that this site is better than the other site, but the truth is that because it is the complicity and lack of neutrality.

  All this makes the user who pays a sum of money in order to reach Besbeb Internet, he can not access and benefit from all the sites services Itcefhaa without bias or collusion. So since the year 2011 a group of human rights organizations calling for the application of Internet neutrality Net neutrality emerged as its principle is based on that of all the right to surf the Internet without being modified data obtained by the user by communications companies. He also has no right to the latter that monitors user activities or spyware it ... and that the topology of the Internet must be traced back to the original, which was invented by without the use of centralized servers. It should also contact companies that handle all sites neutrality and go ahead for another site.

Thus, the application of Internet neutrality would be imposed on the distributors of online service abide by rules of the Internet neutral, meaning they would not prefer certain locations without other browsing, as he will not be able to collusion with the locations and work of confidential corporate deals for the success of the service or services provided by the Website without rivals , otherwise Vcioda an end to the illegal spy communications companies on internet users as we live more freedom to browse sites Manaish instead of closing in on the user

Sites, programs and tools useful

Welcome to all who follow the professional code of the new issue of the weekly series "sites, programs and tools useful," in this issue I share with you a set of tools and sites that will help you during your online business in many different areas.
Sites, programs and tools useful


Often we want to work a comparison between Mentugen before buying decision, for example, a
smart phone or something like that. So if you're looking for an easy way to know the basic differences between any Mentugen I suggest you this beautiful location, which compares anything you want and gives you the differences between them in the form of a table.


Very useful site for anyone wishing to learn the English language as the site gives you the possibility to know many things about any word you searched for, for example, gives you the equivalent of, act ... etc. This is in addition to a full sentences containing the queried word, with the possibility of translating the word of any other language.


You want to create a simple design or modification to an image and do not want to download photoshop? So you must keep this site in your favorite, he is very similar to the interface program photoshop contains similar tools as well, also supports the Arabic language.


Site to share any video clip from YouTube with anyone without fear of ads may be embarrassing sometimes. Once you enter the site you paste the video link and click on generate safe link, and then share the new link with your friend or other limitations.


In a previous number of this series, I spoke about one of the sites to convert any text to voice, but unfortunately the site is supportive of the Arabic language. But with this site, you can now convert any text Arabic or any other language to voice audible file. Not only that, but you can choose between four different Arab, with the possibility of loading section after registering on the site.


There are a lot of sites and applications to watch the latest movies on the scene cinematic Alaalmih.lkn with this site you can find movies by allowing you to search according to several choices as a kind film and year of release, and the country of production .. etc. You can log on to the service using a Twitter account or Google. There is no need to connect your profile on Facebook, or subscribe to the service separately.


This site is a service on the Internet for work Bostadt fake on the Bostadt Facebook shape, you can change anything, like pictures, write comments and change the number of Likes ... etc. .tava you can download the Post placebo and share it with your friends in Alvesopk and the rest of other social networks.

Instant Translate

Of the best additions to the translation on the same page on Google Chrome, without the need to move to the Google Translation service, once you select any word or phrase, as well as even the text and click the right mouse button and determine the added option in the pop-up window, to see the result on the same page, not only that but you can hear the correct pronunciation of the word.


As in Google Chrome, you can also now preview links and images without leaving the current page or tab that you're browsing .fbmejrd mouse over any link preview window will appear to display the content. Add a distinctive St_khasr you a lot of time.


  This is a free program that scans for your computer to find and remove all known used to control and monitor private users who are active in the field of human rights or journalists targeted .br.s. small size of about 26.5 MB spyware, if your computer is clean, Valmsh takes only a few seconds, but if there are other problems affecting the overall performance of the computer the results take at least several minutes.


Anyone who has the opportunity to download a Linux distribution that his favorite and customize whatever he wants, but that does not change the fact that specialized distributions that we can save time with the possibility to meet the tastes of users without changing anything. If you love music, and is looking for distribution applications pre-installed and allocated for this purpose, maybe you should take a look at Musix.

Beautiful backgrounds for this week:
Tree Wallpaper

Grand Canyon


Here's list of top 12 sites to learn programming from scratch to professionalism

We live today in a world that is moving day after day to the full digitization, in the economy, government institutions, companies ... etc. Gentlemen, we live in the midst of an era of digital design and programming. All designers and programmers, it is important to understand how to operate the sites and software applications for mobile devices. You may need to first be able to understand and absorb the code tags before becoming a professional in this field.
So in this article you will find the courses and online sites from which you can learn how to deal with the tags code in various languages. You will have the opportunity to acquire basic skills and even learn some advanced techniques.
Here's list of top 12 sites to learn programming from scratch to professionalism


This site was built for those who want to learn programming regardless of where they are located. Provides you with long cycles for 12 hours, of course, you can stop it and start again, set realistic goals, such as creating applications for mobile Alzkiho games or web sites. If you follow and apply these lessons surely will be able to build your own application or even an integrated site.


From a small lecture in the form of JavaScript enabled games Codecademy able to build an integrated system and to be leading in the field of programming and development for various languages and technology education website .tsttia register online for free and get privacy in the establishment of site classes. Including learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, jQuery, Ruby, or learn how to use the API for your application. Easy to use site will not feel bored with him.


Offers you lessons in programming in the form of short video clips, with examples and exercises that make the learning process interesting and easy even for beginners. Site is designed in accordance with the curriculum that will help you move forward in JavaScript, HTML study, graphics, animation and data structures, and other Almharrat.kma also provides site nice feature which assist in the lessons. So if you get stuck, you can find help.


This site uses a series of videos, screencasts, and a set of tasks in order to help you learn Kevihalbermjh through your browser only. You will be able to interact with the codes and code in the learning process. The courses are divided into parts in the language Ruby, JavaScript, HTML and CSS, IOS, GIT and others.


  The site will help you learn how to create websites and applications by writing your code tags. And ensure the site's database of more than 1,000 video clip that was created by experts in the field of web design, programming and business. Library renewed regularly.


Site uses learning style within Execution project to help you understand CSS, HTML and JavaScript. Dash, is the site for the study of programming while creating your own projects. You will see how it works and how the HTML is created in a special frame.

Khan Academy

It is very famous internationally known sites, the site is full of lessons in all areas, but what concerns us in this post is the programming, because the site uses a series of step by step tutorials to help you learn programming from scratch to advanced levels. Here you will find the JavaScript language and ProcessingJS, which is used to teach writing your own programs.


This site falls within the sites that will ensure you entertainment and learning at the same time, the project is sponsored by Google, which in fact Sign project aimed at encouraging women to learn programming, and the site includes a number of projects that can be implemented using a visual programming language Blockly launched by Google for some time.


Albermaj is also specially designed for moms who want to expand their understanding of information technology, and learn from industry professionals party. The curriculum includes classes in CSS, HTML, UX design Alanturnt.ansg sites do if you are beginner.


This site was created in order to help you build skills in programming to reach the advanced level, and as a result became this Moqamn more Hbaah sites in this area .az offers lessons are divided into: Web Designer, Web Developer, Developer independent of WordPress. And you can start with a trial period of ten days to see any of these categories correspond with them.


Udacity program of Stanford University provides some introductory computer courses available on the Internet, including an introduction to computer science. This is a structured program takes about three months to learn the basic concepts of information while creating your own copies of Cobeih.tava applications there are several other free courses at the site.


If you want to start learning programming, I advise you not hesitate to experience this wonderful site! Game animation E is a great way to start learning, which includes courses and programs and large-scale organization. This game will help you understand the basics of programming and access to a large and serious educational program in this area.

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