Google announces final closing of stores selling Google Glass

Google announces final closing of stores selling Google Glass

Google announces final closing of stores selling Google Glass

In what appears to be confirmed and if indirectly of news that talked about the end of the smart glasses project "Google Glass" has Google Inc. officially close devoted to the sale of these smart glasses stores, the company confirmed that he and though the Get Smart Google Glass spectacles available on store -mail.

Although the company announced Project smart spectacles for more than two years, but the
project and all this time under the experimental framework and did not become final product for which after, and were a number of reports indicated that many of the indicators point to near the end of the glasses Google "Google Glass "even before the official launch of marketed.

Google's decision to close four specialized stores selling smart spectacles Google Glass in all of Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York and London came, according to the company because most of the applications for the acquisition of the beta version of these glasses come either on the company's website or online store to Google "Play Store" and so these shops no longer have any economic feasibility.

And Earlier reports indicated that experienced users glasses smart Google lost hope in this project and some of them he put his glasses for sale in this electronic auctions in addition to a large number of application developers on Google Glass, who have stopped it completely, as the number of the company's engineers in charge project left their jobs and including Babak Parviz, Adrian Wong and scientific Osama during the past six months.

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