Twitter will examine the applications installed on smart devices

Twitter will examine the applications installed on smart devices

It is clear that social networking sites have become more determined to exploit the ads in order to increase their incomes, and after Facebook, which established a system to track the browsing users outside its order to provide advertisements directed to them, Twitter also will be something similar.

Social networking Twitter site announced Wednesday that it will begin tracking the applications that the user installed on his machine Intelligent whether a smart phone or a computer to Ouhaa on a regular Android and iOS, and according to the company in order to give users a personal experience and that the information will be collected that will help Twitter to provide content matter primarily user.

On the other hand, Twitter confirmed that it does not spy on users and that each objective of this process is to provide appropriate and prompt users according to their interests, despite the fact that the primary goal of Twitter is my ad as it is known.

The new property will be installed by default, but in return it is possible to disable.

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