exotic locations to fight boredom online

 exotic locations to fight boredom online

Palmml feeling of psychological conditions are confused all of us from time to time, and each has a way of dealing with this mood, but most morbid world of the Internet and computers as well as their own rituals and ways to overcome boredom to relax and not think of anything. For these purposes, perhaps, you'll find some sites that you may look at first glance as a useless without Many.lkn Believe me, some of them may keep it in your favorite.
5 exotic locations to fight boredom online

Game 2048

I start with you this very nice site, which personally I use from time to time, the site is a game in 2048, one of the games that have achieved wow in Google Play, which is Italian for developers at the age of 19 only. The game sports a catalyst for the mind, and very easy to integrate all the boxes that contain the same number to be up to the total in 2048. Of course to reach this level must be intelligent and know very well your steps.

Virtual Piano

Of distinct sites as well as to combat boredom is the Virtual Piano Piano, which allows you to experiment on your computer and on the Internet! Very nice site empowers you innovation and entertainment for yourself music composer that are waiting for Ha.mama Amtana some of your tunes :)

Listen to the sound of rain

This site is dedicated to those who understood well the charm and beauty of living in a small cozy cafe near the window, sipping coffee and croissants warm while you see drops of rain falling from the sky, and you hear the sound of thunder in the flashlight around. Beautiful moment is not it? Fortunately you can simulate the sound of rain and thunder in your computer :)

Fight boredom and feel like you're a hacker or programmer supernatural

Sure, all of us we saw that the hacker in a Hollywood movie, who writes quickly intriguing when a breach of one of the sites or servers, of course, all of this nonsense, but what if you want to feel that same feeling and become such a hacker or programmed even for a moment? Yes, this is possible only have been created this site for you.

Sand painting

Last strange site you can sand painting. Just simply the simple click of a mouse to hurt a little bit of sand or click twice to get an endless stream of sand. Only some of the practice can be configured paintings "expressive" through this site.

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