Contact companies are afraid of what online application neutral law

Contact companies are afraid of what online application neutral law

What might the Ayalmh a lot of the pioneers of online companies that provide us with the Internet can be controlled in any information we receive or look out for on the Internet, they are able to make you find specific information only on the Internet without the other, to make as well as your contact some online sites slow without other sites ... for example, if company Contact site offers a service or to what otherwise might make access to him very quickly while they are making. We can connect to the company compete with other communication slow! Or could prevent you from access to certain services. Moreover, these companies have focused throughput Internet on a large proportion of their services in order to operate without problems such as communication via IP VOIP ... but more than that it is working to make the site more quickly from
another site, and here we are talking about, for example, the famous sites such as YouTube or Facebook. .. they may prefer to have a quick YouTube site browsing and watching Alڤadyohat while the site Dailymotion or macafee very slow! ...
Contact companies are afraid of what the Internet neutral application

And what should be that the user knows that as well as communications companies may be complicit with some of the big companies in order to provide them with improved browsing the site without its competitor, for example, can Ttoati company video- Stremeng progress with communication for the company to make browsing faster than its rival site ... and users of course they think that this site is better than the other site, but the truth is that because it is the complicity and lack of neutrality.

  All this makes the user who pays a sum of money in order to reach Besbeb Internet, he can not access and benefit from all the sites services Itcefhaa without bias or collusion. So since the year 2011 a group of human rights organizations calling for the application of Internet neutrality Net neutrality emerged as its principle is based on that of all the right to surf the Internet without being modified data obtained by the user by communications companies. He also has no right to the latter that monitors user activities or spyware it ... and that the topology of the Internet must be traced back to the original, which was invented by without the use of centralized servers. It should also contact companies that handle all sites neutrality and go ahead for another site.

Thus, the application of Internet neutrality would be imposed on the distributors of online service abide by rules of the Internet neutral, meaning they would not prefer certain locations without other browsing, as he will not be able to collusion with the locations and work of confidential corporate deals for the success of the service or services provided by the Website without rivals , otherwise Vcioda an end to the illegal spy communications companies on internet users as we live more freedom to browse sites Manaish instead of closing in on the user

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