Here's list of top 12 sites to learn programming from scratch to professionalism

Here's list of top 12 sites to learn programming from scratch to professionalism

We live today in a world that is moving day after day to the full digitization, in the economy, government institutions, companies ... etc. Gentlemen, we live in the midst of an era of digital design and programming. All designers and programmers, it is important to understand how to operate the sites and software applications for mobile devices. You may need to first be able to understand and absorb the code tags before becoming a professional in this field.

Learn greatest major technological innovations that have emerged in recent years

Learn greatest major technological innovations that have emerged in recent years

Technology is constantly evolving. Every day is the development of new products with improved speed, design and increase the exciting new technologies Technological Aajab.alaptkarat Home today has made our lives easier, faster and lead us to get where we never thought we would get him one day, in a nutshell technology is the future in which we live! For it in this post I will cite you the most important major technological innovations in recent years.
Learn greatest major technological innovations that have emerged in recent years

Here are 6 spy cameras impossible to detect (with places to buy, prices)

Here are 6 spy cameras impossible to detect (with places to buy, prices)

As we all know modern technology is developing very rapidly, especially since the end of the last century, and this is what we see every day and hear about it, as some of the techniques that we use today was to reign fitter close fantasies and perceptions we did not expect to get it, for example, cameras and tools Date which is now dozens of times smaller size, so in this post you will learn all on some spy cameras that it is almost impossible to detect and can be

Here are 8 exotic tools turning your smartphone into a supernatural!

Here are 8 exotic tools turning your smartphone into a supernatural!

Smart phones are now very familiar to us and our lives have become dependent on these devices to communicate as well as some of the daily tasks Execution .tava these phones have evolved today is no longer limited to communication functions only, but there are a lot of techniques and features that are included in these devices annually. But in this post we will talk about some of the tools and the most unusual external devices that give to your smartphone and other

The latest information about the new Samsung phone Galaxy S6

The latest information about the new Samsung phone Galaxy S6

What news continues on the new smartphone South Korean company Samsung coming in, especially with the approach of starting the New Year in 2015, and sources indicate that Samsung would like to change its strategy, especially after the commercial failure of the Galaxy phone S5 achieved during the current year.

It seems that the South Korean company Samsung and especially after the sharp decline in sales of smart phones because of fierce competition by Chinese companies will begin to change its strategy, where he will begin to adopt a new plan based on the lifting of the pace of innovation and reducing the number of models which are manufactured each year.

According to the latest news conveyed by the site "Sam Mobile" specialist, the Samsung will release