Here are 8 exotic tools turning your smartphone into a supernatural!

Here are 8 exotic tools turning your smartphone into a supernatural!

Smart phones are now very familiar to us and our lives have become dependent on these devices to communicate as well as some of the daily tasks Execution .tava these phones have evolved today is no longer limited to communication functions only, but there are a lot of techniques and features that are included in these devices annually. But in this post we will talk about some of the tools and the most unusual external devices that give to your smartphone and other
power conversion device to the supernatural.
  Here are 8 exotic tools turning your smartphone into a supernatural!

Therm-App, is a device that turns a smartphone into night vision device
Therm-App you can add technology to small smartphone that will allow you to convert your computer into a night vision device completely. This includes the device structure miniature camera that can capture infrared waves.

Therm-App connects to your smartphone using the USB Oatsal wireless port. All information and images displayed infrared on the phone screen. This way you can watch the people and animals of things in the dark.

Therm-App device can detect a person at a distance of 500 meters and the car at a distance of a mile. However, the price of the device is very exaggerated speak here about 1600 dollars.

  Small iPhone Microscope

Twenty years ago, we did not imagine that a small device in your pocket you can connect without wires hundreds of millions of people on the other part of this planet, and you can also to take pictures of a very high accuracy, and play video games, and get instant access to information that is not the end of it and the strange it also enables you to see the finer things Kalmjhr mail .sahih, this last operation is only possible using this special tool. Unfortunately, this supplement for mobile phones iPhone only. And allows you to zoom in anything sixty times (60 !!!) and display it on your smartphone screen.


Little by little we see how to overcome smartphones on the cameras, and even today is threatening the industry significantly, especially with the developments in these phones in various technical specifications. But even though it is still a long way to sort these phones if we relied on the compact cameras. This shortage will probably be aware devices and accessories Tgalnha use smart phones as a professional camera, through the lens of good quality.
This special external lenses that can be installed on your smartphone to create images in a very magnificence, beauty and high quality. Olloclip is one of the most popular lenses of this type.

Transform the smartphone into a telescope
The camera as we have said is one of the most popular features in smart phones, which are exploited order to carry out tasks other than traditional imaging, for example, convert the phone to night vision binocular or telescope.

There are also many external lenses that transform mobile phones to Allscop.mnha some versions that allows image zooming four times, and there are other available to increase this percentage to 50-60 times.

These tools you can not only explore nature, but also to explore the night sky, which makes you take advantage of your smartphone to take amazing photos of the moon and Jupiter and other celestial objects.

Scentee - a device that allows the smartphone to spread odors
Maybe fantasy that will be achieved in the twentieth century is that the television on what will convey not only the image but even smell Oadha.ohma It may be wonderful to largely lovers cooking in television programs, as well as viewers of programs on wildlife so that you can feel the atmosphere of those African forests . However, this technology is still a fantasy, especially the transfer of odors using television sets.

But perhaps the computers and cell phones! Will be proactive, which will provide this feature and there are already models such as Scentee, a tool that allows odors to pass through the Internet or mobile phone!
Scentee is the addition of a private smartphone technology, which is in the form of a small pot containing various essential oils, when this device receives information about what the smell that smell norepinephrine by a mixture of aromatic substances Almujdh it.

Brookstone- external monitor for your phone

Each of owning a smart phone knows how difficult it is sometimes see pictures or videos with the family. But now starting to show some of the devices that allow you to share your photos and videos from your device with a lot of people. For example, there is a device called Brookstone, which allows you to convert your smartphone to a display device .Brookstone can display images in an area of up to 50 inches diagonally. This device also includes an extra battery for your smartphone.

Relonch- external camera with 41 megapixel

Mpetkroa this device believe as everyone that compact cameras in phones is not enough to create good pictures and Ahtravih.lzlk necessary to invent other devices that are complementary to these phones, one of these tools are Relonch. On the reverse the devices listed above, this device not only improves the quality of registration in the camera smartphones but is replaced Aelia.oho actually a separate camera with the matrix that allows you to capture images accurately 41 megapixels.


Of course some smart phones have become features were not than ever before, Kkdrtha to cope with various conditions such as water, dust and so on. But this cover does not give you all the protection, but also provides you with an external battery, and feature phone charging batteries with Achammsah.hma cover panels protects your smartphone from dirt, dust and water. It also allows you dropping off your smartphone to a depth of 20 meters under water.

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